Brisbane's Retaining Wall Waterproofing Specialists

We specialise in multi-residential Retaining Wall waterproofing services in Brisbane, The Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast

View all of our waterproofing services.

About Our Retaining Wall Waterproofing Service

At Remedial Property Solutions, we’re experts at providing you with remedial works and waterproofing services . This includes retaining wall waterproofing to ensure your property – particularly multi-residential properties – is as safe as can be, both for your peace of mind and that of your residents.

Why Choose Remedial Property Solutions ?

When organising your waterproofing services, you may overlook your retaining walls or perhaps even believe retaining wall waterproofing isn’t worth it. But we’re here to tell you that the opposite is often the case!

Retaining wall waterproofing is just as important as maintaining any other part of your property.

Retaining walls may not seem like such a big issue in terms of maintenance, but if neglected, repairs can cost almost as much as building a new retaining wall – particularly if the issue is severe. 

If you leave water leaking through retaining wall cavities, especially if it’s connected to structural walls, you risk compromising the structural integrity of your property, or even the health and safety of your residents. 

Remedial Property Solutions can assist with both retaining wall waterproofing throughout all suburbs of Brisbane, The Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast. 

What We Do

We specialise in all types of retaining wall waterproofing including (but not limited to):

Professionalism, Guaranteed

When you’re investing in retaining wall waterproofing for your property, you want to know you’re in safe hands.

This is exactly what you get when you hire Remedial Property Solutions. 

All our work – whether it’s smaller jobs like repairing leaking retaining wall cracks or providing other remedial solutions for water leaking through retaining wall holes – is backed by our QBCC licence and insurance.

Our team members are some of the best  waterproofing specialists in Queensland, so you can be assured that the work we complete on your retaining wall will be of the very highest standard.


As with all our remedial and waterproofing services, our retaining waterproofing costs are highly competitive.

Contact us today for a quote to waterproof one of more retaining walls at your property.

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