Balcony repairs in multi-residential properties

Posted September 9, 2021

A leaking balcony or leaking planter box is one of the most costly defects to go untreated in a multi-residential building.

Considering the volume of potential water, and the potential area that those leaks may impact, a leaking rooftop balcony is at high risk of causing costly repairs.

Most multi-residential properties Brisbane take advantage of a rooftop balcony for their premium residences, often with planter boxes and green roofs. Adorned with planter boxes which introduce much-appreciated greenery and 360-degree views, the rooftop balcony adds value to any multi-residential complex. 

There are several important factors to consider when installing rooftop balconies and planter boxes, but the majority of these centre around the drainage which should be put in place at the time of build. 

Sufficient balcony drainage is essential for the aesthetic and structural integrity of a building, as well of course – resident’s safety.  Considerations for drainage should include; threshold drainage, proper placement of drainage, correct fall, correct use of materials, quality workmanship and more. 

Rooftop balcony waterproofing should be performed by a company and tradesperson with significant expertise in waterproofing services and years experience, particularly when dealing with a multi-residential property. 

Water leaks in high-rise or multi-residential buildings are possibly the most common defect and have the potential to cause the greatest damage. 

Water leaks in multi-residential buildings are a major cause of early onset concrete deterioration and corrosion. 

Water seepage from leaking apartment balconies into units below or adjacent rooms can be a major source of dispute between landlord / tenant or owner and the Brisbane body corporate. We can help with these disagreements by pinpointing the exact location and source of the leak, clarifying whether this is a body corporate issue or an owner’s / tenant’s responsibility. 

Water leaks in multi-residential or commercial buildings are usually due to inadequate design during the construction stage, poor quality materials and inferior workmanship and experience which can lead to a deterioration of building materials. 

Often an entirely inappropriate selection of waterproofing system from a previous contractor can be attributed to leaking balconies. 

Finding a specialist who understands multi-residential remediation works and remedial waterproofing can create a much easier experience when it comes to carrying out repairs, communicating between different parties such as Brisbane body corporates, Brisbane strata management, owners, tenants, landlords and more. 

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